100 years of Rememberance Day

Remembering those who gave their lives

For those of you who did not manage to see the Blood Swept Lands and Seas of Red art installation at the Tower of London to mark 100 years since the first full day of Britain's involvement in the First World War, here are some pictures I've taken on the weekend.

This powerful art installation is created by ceramic artist Paul Cummins and Olivier award winner stage designer Tom Piper to commemorate the service men who were killed in World War I. The installation consists of 888,246 hand made poppies representing each British military who died during the war. The installation was officially opened on the 5th of August. The poppies were first installed on 17th July and was continually planted until 11th November on Armistice Day.

On our way towards Tower of London, we made a detour for a walk in the city

At Leadenhall Market

Then we stopped at Hung Drawn and Quartered Pub for a pint. Or in my case, half.

"To be hanged, drawn and quartered (sometimes rendered hung, drawn and quartered) was from 1351 the penalty in England for men guilty of high treason, although its use is first recorded during the reign of King Henry III and that of his successor, Edward I. The convicted were fastened to a wooden hurdle which was dragged by horse to the place of execution. Once there, they were ritually hanged (almost to the point of death),emasculateddisembowelledbeheaded and quartered (chopped into four pieces). As a warning against further dissent, these remains were often displayed at prominent places, such as London Bridge. For reasons of public decency, women convicted of high treason were burnt at the stake." via Princeton.edu

Installation of the Poppies

Making of the Poppies


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