Szczecin and the Surprise Birthday

For those of you who read the earlier post about ‘The Well Travelled Brownie’, this is a follow up about my trip to Szczecin and Poznan. This trip was just a long weekend away and my stop to Szczecin was more to meet up with M and his mates before we all head to Poznan. And those brownies I made was my way of thanking and appreciating M and the people around him.

Getting back to the trip, I like that the Szczecin airport is small. It is so convenient that it literally took me 15 minutes to go through passport check plus 20 steps to the arrival hall! It was even better that M was already there, waiting for my arrival. When we got to his home, his mum already had food cooked and ready to be served. How lovely it is to be welcomed with home cooked food! I must say she makes one of the best Polish foods I have had so far. The highlight for me was the goulash. It was top notch! I was desperate for some cooking tips only mums will know but looks like I had no luck. I could not speak Polish except for the very basic and M’s not about to be caught in the middle of a girlie exchange of cooking tips. Maybe it is about time I learn some Polish! Will definitely start with food vocabulary. “Dzik” was the first. That means wild boar.
The specially decorated cake. The icing melted on its way to the restaurant.

Later that night, his friends organized dinner at Christopher Columbus Restaurant and Pub. I was partially suspicious that it is the very early surprise birthday celebration I was trying to arrange from London. I did not do much, really. All I did was suggested to his friend that we surprise M with a birthday cake with candles sometime during the trip. They tried to tell me that everything was sorted but I was not on data roaming and M was with me all the time so there was no way they could talk to me about it. But in the end, everything went according to plan. I was glad that M was very surprised and couldn’t stop laughing that night. I could not thank everyone enough who made that surprise happen. I was even surprised myself that one of his friend even decorated the cake with *Eduranto logo. He even took step-by-step photos of the making process! It was a great night.

*Eduranto is a side project they have been working very hard on.

I forgot to mention, they even printed T-shirts with the logo! I admit it is pretty geeky, but who cares. I think it was great idea.

The blank canvas. Photo courtesy of MB.

Work in progress and Voila!! Mission accomplished! Photo courtesy of MB.

The biggest plate of food that night!! Pork knuckle for me!

Yes, lots of Vodka. Got to do it the Polish way :)

Interior of the restaurant

A picture of the restaurant after a few bottles of vodka - shared amongst ourselves of course ;) Therefore the blurred vision.


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