No complains

I know I’ve been missing in action for a very long while. Hey ho, a last minute change of plans to fly home has caused a haywire in routine. Jetlag, being a partial bum and being busy just staying home attending to mum’s needs. Mum’s been very ill and I mean VERY; therefore the unplanned flying home with sky-high flight prices and many months unpaid leave. It doesn’t help being home with moody Internet. What’s the use of a laptop and an iPhone with no internet connection? Almost useless! Feels so disabled! What's worse, the landlord has decided to not extend our London flat rental. That means I have to move out while I'm 6,000 miles away. Lucky my flatmates are the best girlies. They have been assisting me with everything I need done. Kisses to them.

I guess all negatives does not matter when surrounded by people I love. So this trip home is the best decision ever made. I do miss London a lot though, especially when there is no Salsa scene in Penang; at least not anymore. Those feet and booty need some action! The good news is, I get to exchange the cold 12oC for a very warm 28oC. No complains there.

Panoramic view of Gurney Drive, late morning

Before I continue further, I would like to thank my dearest colleagues for such a sweet treat on the day I left for the airport. A great card and Laduree macaroons! They know me well. Really did not expect anything. It's not like I'm not going back. No complains either.

Card and Laduree macaroons in Matthew Williamson box

 Yummy macaroons with some of my favourite flavours

Miss everyone in London. I'll be back soon but in the meanwhile, I'll try to update this blog as often as I could.


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